Kahubaby Toddler Carrier


KahuBaby Toddler Carrier – 3 position, lightweight, easy to use carrier, in beautiful prints and colours

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Bigger kids need carrying too! You and your toddler can enjoy Simple Togetherness with the Kāhu Toddler carrier. 3 easy clicks. with our secure buckle fastenings make carrying simple for everyone. The comfortable Kāhu Toddler Carrier offers complete support in 3 carrying positions , giving you options.

We’ve designed the Kahu Toddler to support your older child who still loves the cuddles. The wider base and taller panel offers extra support for both baby and you. Suitable from 18 months, the Kāhu Toddler Carrier adjusts easily to comfortably hold your baby in an ergonomic position. Toddlers love being carried, especially when their legs get too tired to go any further. The unique simple cinching mechanism is designed for total adjustability, with a built-in comfort stopper.  This means safe and comfortable carrying with children from 18 months to 4 years.

Kahu Toddler carriers from 100% certified organic cotton. The inner, straps and block colours are made from ethically produced organic cotton. All the carriers are handmade in Europe by experienced seamstresses in comfortable working conditions.

  • Supportive carrying option for your older child (9.5 – 20kg)
  • Comfort and support in front, hip and back carry positions
  • Taller, wider panel
  • Lightweight
  • Simple to use
  • British design, made in Europe
  • Machine washable
3 Carry Positions

Carry 3 ways with your toddler Kahu carrier! Our 3 carrying positions give you and child options. Your favourite carrying position will depend on what you find most comfortable, and what works best for your family at that time.

Front carry, facing parent/carer – all ages

In a Kahu Toddler Carrier, your child learns about the world from a safe place, and from your height. Your child learns language and a myriad of social cues when facing into you, and is still able to look around and take in the scenery. Your child may wish to pop one or both arms over the top of the carrier. This is safe, as long as the fabric reaches up to their armpit.

Hip carry – 4 months +

Our instinct is often to carry our toddler on our hip. As humans we’ve been doing it for millennia! You’ll find your child has a good view from your hip. With your Kahu todder carrier, your hands are both free to get stuff done.

Back carry – 6 months +

You may find it more comfortable to carry your child on your back. With KahuBaby, you can do this own your own, without assistance from another adult. We’ve included step-by-step instructions with your KahuBaby Carrier, and you can find our instructions here too. We recommend that your child is sitting unassisted before carrying him/her on your back.

Maximum weight of child – 20 kg (44.1lb)

Minimum weight of child – 9.5kg (22lb)

Safety tested in accordance with CEN/TR 16512:2015


Moonlight, Slate Grey