Sling Hire
Central Lancashire Slings has over 95 different slings and carriers for you to hire.
Prices are as follows:
2 weeks – £14
4 weeks – £20
Each additional week after your initial hire period – £7
Accessories – £3 per week.
Stretchy wrap offer – 12 weeks £36
We understand that handing over £50 or more as a refundable cash deposit isn’t suitable for everyone, which is why we instead store payment card details on our secure sling library system. If a sling is damaged, lost or not returned we will use these card details to purchase a replacement. More information can be found in our terms and conditions.
**A late fee of £1 per day is automatically added to your account if your hired sling is not returned on time.**
To view the slings available in the library and to create a free account (this is required to hire a sling) – use the buttons below.